Select Publications from the Westbrook Lab
Publications from the Westbrook Lab
Xu, L., et al. Cell (2024)
"IRE1α silences dsRNA to prevent taxane-induced pyroptosis in triple-negative breast cancer."
2024 Dec 12;187(25):7248-7266.e34.
Meena, .j. k., et al. Cancer Discovery (2024)
"MYC Induces Oncogenic Stress through RNA Decay and Ribonucleotide Catabolism in Breast Cancer."
2024 Sep 4;14(9):1699-1716.
Bouguenina, H., et al. iScience (2023)
"iTAG an optimized IMiD-induced degron for targeted protein degradation in human and murine cells."
iScience 26(7): 107059.
Ramabadran, R., et al. Nature Cell Biology (2023)
"DNMT3A-coordinated splicing governs the stem state switch towards differentiation in embryonic and haematopoietic stem cells."
Nature Cell Biology 25(4): 528-539.
*Preview: Carmo-Fanesca (2023) A twist to splicing regulation in haematopoiesis.
Nature Cell Biology 25:516–517.
Cai, W.L., et al. Elife (2022)
"Human WDR5 promotes breast cancer growth and metastasis via KMT2-independent translation regulation."
Elife 11:e78163.
Bowling, E.A., Wang, J.H., et al. Cell (2021)
"Spliceosome-targeted therapies trigger an antiviral immune response in triple-negative breast cancer."
Cell 184(2): 384-403.
*Comment: Ishak, C.A., Loo Yau, H., De Carvahlo, D.D. (2021) Spliceosome-Targeted Therapies Induce dsRNA Responses.
Immunity 54(1): 11-13.
*Comment: Fornda, M. (2021) RNA splicing meets anti-tumor immunity. Nat Cancer 2(12): 1287.
Einstein, JM., et al. Molecular Cell (2021)
"Inhibition of YTHDF2 triggers proteotoxic cell death in MYC-driven breast cancer."
Mol Cell 81(15): 3048-3064.
Arabzade, A., et al. Cancer Discovery (2021)
"ZFTA-RELA Dictates Oncogenic Transcriptional Programs to Drive Aggressive Supratentorial Ependymoma."
Cancer Discov. 11(9): 2200-2215.
Gao, Y., et al. Cancer Research Communication (2021)
"Tumor suppressor PLK2 may serve as a biomarker in triple-negative breast cancer for improved response to PLK1 therapeutics."
Cancer Res Commun. 1(3): 178-193.
Krug, K., et al. Cell (2020)
"Proteogenomic Landscape of Breast Cancer Tumorigenesis and Targeted Therapy."
Cell 183(5): 1436-1456.
Richters, A., et al. Cell Chemical Biology (2020)
"Modulating Androgen Receptor-Driven Transcription in Prostate Cancer with Selective CDK9 Inhibitors."
Cell Chemical Biology S2451-9456(20)30380-9.
Arnal-Estape, A. et al. Oncogene (2020)
"Tumor progression and chromatin landscape of lung cancer are regulated by the lineage factor GATA6."
Oncogene 39(18): 3726-3737.
Lee, H., et al. Nature Cell Biology (2020)
"Energy-stress-mediated AMPK activation inhibits ferroptosis."
Nature Cell Biology 22(2): 225-234.
Hirkawa, A., et al. Cell Reports (2019)
"Reduction of Global H3K27me3 Enhances HER2/ErbB2 Targeted Therapy."
Cell Reports 29(2): 249-257.
Kim, I., et al. Nature cell biology (2019)
"Immuno-subtyping of breast cancer reveals distinct myeloid cell profiles and immunotherapy resistance mechanisms."
Nature Cell Biology 21(9): 1113-1126.
Stylianou, n., et al. Oncogene (2019)
"A molecular portrait of epithelial-mesenchymal plasticity in prostate cancer associated with clinical outcome."
Oncogene 38(7): 913-934
Nair, A., et al. Nature Medicine (2018)
"Combinatorial inhibition of PTPN12-regulated receptors leads to a broadly effective therapeutic strategy in triple-negative breast cancer."
Nature Medicine 24(4): 505-511.
Mowery, C.T., et al. Cell Reports (2018)
"Trisomy of a Down Syndrome Critical Region Globally Amplifies Transcription via HMGN1 Overexpression."
Cell Reports 13;25(7): 1898-1911.
Rousseaux, M.W.C., et al. Journal of neuroscience (2018)
"A Druggable Genome Screen Identifies Modifiers of a-Synuclein Levels via a Tiered Cross-Species Validation Approach."
Journal of Neuroscience 38(43): 9286-9301.
Dasgupta, S., et al. nature (2018)
"Metabolic enzyme PFKFB4 activates transcriptional coactivator SRC-3 to drive breast cancer."
Nature 556(7700): 249-254.
Sack, L.M., et al. Cell (2018)
"Profound Tissue Specificity in Proliferation Control Underlies Cancer Drivers and Aneuploidy Patterns."
Cell 173(2): 499-514.
Zeid, R., et al. Nature Genetics (2018)
"Enhancer invasion shapes MYCN dependent transcriptional amplification in neuroblastoma."
Nature Genetics 50 (4): 515-523.
Zhang, Y., et al. Cancer Cell (2017)
"A Pan-Cancer Proteogenomic Atlas of PI3K/AKT/mTOR Pathway Alterations."
Cancer Cell 31(6): 820-832.
Rousseaux, M. W., et al. eLIFE (2016)
"TRIM28 regulates the nuclear accumulation and toxicity of both alpha-synuclein and tau."
eLIFE (28)5
Lasagna-Reeves, C.A., et al. Neuron (2016)
"Reduction of Nuak1 Decreases Tau and Reverses Phenotypes in a Tauopathy Mouse Model."
Neuron 92(2): 407-418.
Welte, T., et al. Nature Cell Biology (2016)
"Oncogenic mTOR signalling promotes myeloid-derived suppressor cell accumulation and links tumor-initiating capacity to immunosuppression."
Nature Cell Biology 18(6): 632-644.
Hsu, T. Y. T., et al. Nature (2015)
"The spliceosome is a therapeutic vulnerability in MYC-driven cancer."
Nature 525(7569): 384-388.
*Commentary: Stine, Z.E, Dang, C.V. (2015) Splicing and dicing MYC-mediated synthetic lethality.
Cancer Cell. 28(4): 405-406.
*Commentary: Alderton, G. (2015) MYC: splicing up your survival.
Nature Reviews Cancer. 15(10): 574-574.
*Commentary: Poh, A. (2015) A vulnerable side to MYC-driven cancers.
Cancer Discovery. Epub ahead of print.
*Commentary: Anczukow, O., Krainer, A.R. (2015) The spliceosome, a potential Achilles heel of MYC-driven cancers.
Genome Med. 7(1): 107.
Mahamdallie, S.S., et al. Nature Genetics (2015)
"Mutations in the transcriptional repressor REST predispose to Wilms tumor."
Nature Genetics 47(12): 1471-1474.
Izhar, L., et al. Cell Reports (2015)
"A Systematic Analysis of Factors Localized to Damaged Chromatin Reveals PARP-Dependent Recruitment of Transcription Factors."
Cell Reports 11(9): 1486-1500.
Wang, H., et al. Cancer Cell (2015)
"The Osteogenic Niche Promotes Early-Stage Bone Colonization of Disseminated Breast Cancer Cells."
Cancer Cell 27(2): 193-210.
Karlin, K. L., et al. Cell Reports (2014)
"The Oncogenic STP Axis Promotes Triple-Negative Breast Cancer via Degradation of the REST Tumor Suppressor."
Cell Reports 9(4): 1318-1332.
Fu, X., et al. Breast Cancer Research (2014)
"Overcoming endocrine resistance due to reduced PTEN levels in estrogen receptor-positive breast cancer by co-targeting mammalian target of rapamycin, protein kinase B, or mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase."
Breast Cancer Research 16(5): 430.
Miao, Q., et al. Nat Commun (2014)
"Tcf3 promotes cell migration and wound repair through regulation of lipocalin 2."
Nat Commun 5.
Villegas, E., et al. Development (2014)
"Plk2 regulates mitotic spindle orientation and mammary gland development."
Development 141(7): 1562-1571.
Terunuma, A., et al. The Journal of Clinical Investigation (2014)
"MYC-driven accumulation of 2-hydroxyglutarate is associated with breast cancer prognosis."
The Journal of Clinical Investigation 124(1): 398-412.
Park, J., et al. Nature (2013)
"RAS-MAPK-MSK1 pathway modulates ataxin 1 protein levels and toxicity in SCA1."
Nature 498(7454): 325-331.
Cheung, William K. C., et al. Cancer Cell (2013)
"Control of Alveolar Differentiation by the Lineage Transcription Factors GATA6 and HOPX Inhibits Lung Adenocarcinoma Metastasis."
Cancer Cell 23(6): 725-738.
Pavlova, N. N., et al. eLife (2013)
A role for PVRL4-driven cell–cell interactions in tumorigenesis.
eLIFE 2.
Kessler, J. D., et al. Science (2012)
"A SUMOylation-Dependent Transcriptional Subprogram Is Required for Myc-Driven Tumorigenesis."
Science 335(6066): 348-353.
Dave, B., et al. PLoS ONE (2012)
"Selective Small Molecule Stat3 Inhibitor Reduces Breast Cancer Tumor-Initiating Cells and Improves Recurrence Free Survival in a Human-Xenograft Model."
PLoS ONE 7(8): e30207.
Pei, Y., et al. Cancer Cell (2012)
"An Animal Model of MYC-Driven Medulloblastoma."
Cancer Cell 21(2): 155-167.
Sun, T., et al. Cell (2011)
"Activation of Multiple Proto-oncogenic Tyrosine Kinases in Breast Cancer via Loss of the PTPN12 Phosphatase."
Cell 144(5): 703-718.
Meerbrey, K. L., et al. PNAS (2011)
"The pINDUCER lentiviral toolkit for inducible RNA interference in vitro and in vivo."
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 108(9): 3665-3670.
Luo, J., et al. Cell (2009)
"A Genome-wide RNAi Screen Identifies Multiple Synthetic Lethal Interactions with the Ras Oncogene."
Cell 137(5): 835-848.
Westbrook, T. F., et al. Nature (2008)
"SCF[beta]-TRCP controls oncogenic transformation and neural differentiation through REST degradation."
Nature 452(7185): 370-374.
Mulligan, P., et al. Molecular Cell (2008)
"CDYL Bridges REST and Histone Methyltransferases for Gene Repression and Suppression of Cellular Transformation."
Molecular Cell 32(5): 718-726.
Schlabach, M. R., et al. Science (2008)
"Cancer Proliferation Gene Discovery Through Functional Genomics."
Science 319(5863): 620-624.
Westbrook, T. F., et al. Cell (2005)
"A Genetic Screen for Candidate Tumor Suppressors Identifies REST."
Cell 121(6): 837-848.
Paddison, P. J., et al. Nature (2004)
"A resource for large-scale RNA-interference-based screens in mammals."
Nature 428(6981): 427-431.